Enrichment and PSHE
Our Enrichment Module is part of a learner focused individual study programme and has been created to work around the learners individual timetables and is designed to improve self-confidence, independence and life skills. The sessions are run by passionate and qualified internal and external professionals and include activities such as; Boxing, Cooking, Relationships & Sex Education, Safeguarding, and more.
We encourage learners to suggest group trips linked to their interests which this year have included to swimming and local gardens/horticulture societies and more. Learners are involved in organising these trips under careful supervision of tutors.

Personal, Social & Health Education
Each learners’ timetable includes a PSHE programme tailored to individual learners needs within a wider curriculum. We celebrate festivals within world religions and other important days throughout the year.
We also keep the activities relevant to current topics such as Anti-Bullying and British Values.

Sports Activities
Learners have opportunities to play football (in partnership with Brentford FC Community Sports Trust), and boxing (In partnership with Hurrican Training) during the day, with informal badminton and basketball sessions aviailble on a weekly basis at lunchtimes, weather permitting.

Lunchtime Clubs
Learners are able to engage in a diverse range of activities during lunchtime in our lunch time clubs. Some of them include Uno club, music club, reading club, pottery club and badminton club. This is beneficial in encouraging our young people to develop social skills and new hobbies.