Press Release
Green Corridor has been commended for creating a 'safe, secure and welcoming environment for learners' in Ofsted monitoring report.
In November 2023, Green Corridor was visited by Ofsted for a monitoring inspection. Green Corridor is thrilled with the report that highlights how the leadership team works hard to provide a 'consistent approach to curriculum planning' which in turn is having a 'positive impact' on our 43 learners.
The report identifies Green Corridor's importance on safeguarding, stating that 'leaders set high expectations of staff to protect learners from harm', which in turn create a "positive safeguarding culture for learners'.
Nicole Jennings, Chair of the Board, said:
"I was pleased to receive the report from Ofsted, which demonstrates the progress that has been made in the past two years, particularly in safeguarding. Thanks to the learners, teachers, leadership team and trustees for the hard work that achieve this result and continues to make Green Corridor the unique place it is today."
The report highlights how tutors utilise the EHC plans to identify individual learner needs. As a result, learners develop 'high levels of confidence and independence...learners say they feel well supported by staff'. Inspectors also emphasised how learner's independence is increased through work experience and educational visits as part of their curriculum.
David Welch, Chief Executive, also added:
"I was delighted that Ofsted recognised that 'Staff demonstrate high levels of kindness and care towards learners. Learners feel well supported and safe'. We are very proud of the achievements of our learners, and the nurturing environment that brings out the best in everyone, preparing our learners for their next steps of employment, training or other positive destinations."