The Admissions Process
Pathway 1 - Parental Preference
Following the tour or visit, if we remain your prefered placement, instruct your Local Authority that you wish to name Green Corridor in Section I of your young person's EHCP
The Local Authority will then consult with us - see Pathway 2.
If you think that Green Corridor might be a suitable placement for your child, then often the next step is to arrange a site tour or to come on an open day. Open days are organised larger groups of people visiting throughout a morning. We welcome anyone who might be interested in sending their young person at some point in the future, with or without the potential learner. Site tours are in smaller groups led by a senior member of staff and we encourage parents/carers to bring their young person with them. Site tours are only for people actively considering an application for the next academic year. Some parents name Green Corridor without a site visit or tour. During a site tour or open day, we will answer general questions about the suitability of a placement with Green Corridor. At this point, if the Parents/Carers would like to go ahead with naming Green Corridor in section I of the EHCP, then they let their Local Authority SEN Caseworker know and the process will follow Pathway 2 as below.
Please note: site tours and open days are only available on Fridays to minimise the disruption to existing learners who are on site Monday - Thursday.
Pathway 2
Local Authority Preference / Consultation following parental preference
A Local Authority may consult with us either following parental preference or because they believe that we can meet a young person's needs. Once the caseworker sends Green Corridor the formal consultation papers, the Admissions Panel will consider this and decide on our ability to meet the needs of the learner. We will respond to this consultation within a statutory 15 day timeframe. If we have not met the potential learner, we may invite them to visit during the college day during these 15 days. These consultation visits are arranged on an ad hoc basis and are separate from the tours and open days above. Once we have considered the papers and met the learner (if needed) Green Corridor will respond directly to the Local Authority with a decision. The Local Authority will then decide whether to accept our offer of a placement or not.
If the placement is agreed by both Green Corridor and the Local Authority, we then arrange a transition process including initial assessments and sometimes a series of visits and other things to help ensure a smooth transition to Green Corridor.
Site Tours
If your young person is interested in joining Green Corridor in September, please book onto a site tour using the booking system on this page. You can book a tour or an open day.
If your potential learner is not due to start until after the next academic year, please book an open day.
Site tours run once per half term at on a Friday at 10am. We only have 20 spaces available. If no spaces remain, please book on to an open day.
Dates for Site Tours in 2025
Friday 14th March
Friday 16th May
Friday 13th June
Entry Requirements
Must be aged between 16 – 25.
Must have SEND and a current EHCP (Placements can be offered to young people without an EHCP, but the parents/carers would have to fund the full cost of the course and therapy support themselves).
Must not have achieved a GCSE grade 9-4 (A*-C).
Admissions panel includes:
Admissions and Funding Officer, the SENCo, Head of Education, Head of Horticulture, Head of Catering and Head of Functional Skills.
Please note that Green Corridor is a working horticulture site, with extensive areas of wood chip and other loose surfaces, which means we are not suitable for wheelchair users.